Thursday, 10 October 2013

A surprisingly good morning

Today I am enjoying an exceptional morning - I slept well, woke up one or twice at night just because I was thirsty, it was around 1-2 am. Then absolutely no bad dreams, and no waking up in the early morning - I remained fast asleep until approx. 5:40 am, which is my normal time to get up any way. Quite 'neutral' mood, perhaps even slightly on the upside, looking forward to the challenges of the night at work. I also have an objective sign - I can see that I am reacting rather differently to problems - usually when I check my emails in the morning, and there are ones related to difficulties or challenges, I react very nervously, starting blaming myself or seeing the world around me as dark and hopeless (you may have seen that pattern in my previous post). Today, I am looking at these emails with some distance, and I am just planning in my head how to approach the challenges and solve them best I (we) can. This is nice.

I also look forward to going to the  gym in the evening. This again is different from the last few weeks (or months), because gym was a sort of mandatory routine, or set of deliberately applied tortures aimed at keeping me fit and healthy. Today, the gym in the evening appears as challenge and fun.

This is a great feeling, and it is quite surprising, as I cannot remember doing anything special (well, the only unusual thing was that I played drums for a while yesterday, which I never do on weekdays. And I did quite well - learned quite a complex rhythm, I was happy with myself).

Also it is not the season for feeling great - autumn usually affects me in the opposite way. Let's see how long it lasts.

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