Friday, 25 October 2013

The monster are around

They are around, and they look for a good moment to hit and suck the joy out of me. Yesterday I had some stress with my credit card being subject of fraud, some challenges on another one just because I did not use it (!), and then the bank messing up and cancelling a wrong one, plus some usual stuff at work - and before I went to bed, I was exhausted and without any drive to do anything, or any ability to enjoy anything in my life. A very familiar (but unwelcome) feeling.

At night, I had a very strange dream. I had a tooth problem, and I went to a dental surgeon. One of my molars "stuck in" the gum, and was annoying and causing pain. The surgeon did the most unusual thing: he set up an X-ray to show the jaw and the tooth (it was one that continuously shows the picture on the screen, so who know how much radiation I must have received .... it was on for a good 10 minutes - but in a dream it is probably OK....). Then he put long tool that looked like a thin metal stick "from the other side" of  the jaw - of course I do not have any opening in my skin/tissues under my chin, but again, everything gets possible in ones dream. He put one end next to the root of the tooth (I could see it on the X-ray), and tapped on the other end, pushing the tooth out of its socket. Then he just took the tooth out with his hand. I could not feel any pain whatsoever.

I asked him to show me the tooth - it looked healthy, i.e. there were no cavities, but obviously it was dead - no blood vessels or nerves, etc.

Not sure what it means for me. That one can get of problems in the most unusual way, and without much suffering? Need to think of it.

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