Monday 14 October 2013

Can you kill a real poisonous snake?

There were no nightmare monsters this morning. There was a strange dream though.

I was there with my wife and also my friend from England. We were explaining to him that there are poisonous snakes where we live currently, and getting rid of them is not always easy. And He (the friend of mine) said very confidently that a snake is not a problem, one just needs and axe to chop its head off.

I immediately imagined a large and quick snake, hissing and attempting to attack. I presented the thought to him, and asked if he would be comfortable to come near the snake and chop the head off with an axe. He denied.

And then all of a sudden a dog appeared next to us. It was not a normal dog. It had alligator's skin.
Not that we wanted to stroke that dog.

I think now that the dream nicely represents my perception of people who appear overconfident outside.

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