Saturday 26 October 2013

Good start to a weekend

Somehow, it is not too bad today. Actually I feel quite OK. After a typical Friday, with last bits of work to complete before the weekend, I had a few good games in the evening, and then a couple of beautiful pints of lager. I slept quite well, had quite funny dream (I do not remember it now, but I remember that it was funny). No spells of bad mood, and I can cope with the ongoing physicial rejection by my partner (not that I am happy about it at all , but I think to a large degree it is iher problem, and I have done all I could think of so far). I very much look forward to the weekend, I have several interesting things lined up, mostly to do alone, and this is OK.

I did not tell you - I started playing with my computer to create an "artistic vision" of a depression monster. I am planning to post it tomorrow, when I have finished it.

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